A network of people is essential for promoting computational materials science. Symposiums, workshops, training sessions, cooperation with experimental researchers and other endeavors will form a network of people who have an intense interest in the field, researchers who will become the mainstay for scientific exploration, and young scientists who will lead the way to the future. Training is also an important role of CMSI. Initiative personnel are actively engaged in curriculum development and education, training the people who will support the new science of computational materials science to operate supercomputers, write programs, and use these programs to the fullest. CMSI also makes an effort to publicize research achievements, personnel, software and data in the media and on its website, working to become a center for communicating information from Asia throughout the rest of the world.
Kazufumi Sato
I'm using computer simulations to study atomic diffusion in alloys.Being able to conduct calculations at the atomic scale through CMSI will go a long way toward helping us understand these phenomena.
3rd year Ph.D candidate, Laboratory of Materials Modeling Division of Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Institute of Engineering Hokkaido University |
Masafumi Udagawa
I'm attempting to determine how geometrical frustrations ̶ in other words, systems in which lattice structures prevent the emergence of simple ordered states ̶ can greatly change the properties of metals.
Research Associate Department of Applied Physics Graduate School of Engineering The University of Tokyo |
Nobuko Ohba
I'm working on multiscale simulations that can handle both electronic structure and molecular dynamics simultaneously. I'd like to make a contribution to stimulate industry-academic cooperation as well.
Materials Design Lab. Materials Fundamental Research Div. Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. |
Kazuya Ishimura
My goal is to develop methods and programs suitable for the large-scale parallel computation of highly accurate electronic structures in order to perform nanoscale molecular calculations.
Research Associate Department of Computational Science Graduate School of System Informatics Kobe University |
Madhvendra Nath Tripathi
I'm trying to design next generation opto-electronic materials with cost effectiveness by first-principles study using computer simulation codes based on density functional theory vis-à-vis exploration and explanation of the science of these materials at electronic level.
Postdoctoral Fellow Institute for Materials Research Tohoku University