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What is CMSI?

The Computational Materials Science Initiative (CMSI) is a research network established on September 27, 2010 as Field 2 “New Materials and Energy Creation” of the Next-Generation Supercomputer Strategy Program (FY 2010 - 2015).
The Initiative is centered on three operating institutions ̶ the Institute for Solid State Physics (The University of Tokyo), the Institute for Molecular Science (National Institutes of Natural Sciences) and the Institute for Materials Research (Tohoku University) ̶ and includes 11 cooperating institutes and universities. It is an open community that invites all universities, research institutes, companies and other entities with an interest in computational materials science to become members.
The objective of CMSI is to expand and deepen the headwaters of basic science and turn it into a "torrent" of innovations in functional materials and energy conversion. The three research fields ̶ condensed matter physics, molecular science and materials science ̶ are fully integrated with one another, with the aim of achieving a new type of science that can overcome the barriers between disciplines. Another major objective is to train the young researchers who will lead the computational materials science in the future.